What Should You Prepare for Rolling Blackouts?

You might ask, what is a rolling blackout? The answer is that power companies use this technique to manage electricity demand during peak usage times. An extensive power outage results when the electricity demand outpaces the supply. Typically, rolling blackouts are implemented in a specific location for a predetermined time before power is restored. This process is repeated until the power demand is brought down to a manageable level.

Rolling blackouts are frequently implemented when the need for electricity is at its highest, such as during heat waves or cold snaps. In addition, rolling blackouts may be brought on by unanticipated system-wide power outages, natural disasters, or equipment malfunctions.

Preparing for Rolling Blackouts

People and businesses must plan to deal with the hazards and inconveniences of rolling blackouts. Here are a few crucial actions to prepare for a rolling blackout.

Develop an Emergency Plan

An emergency plan that details what to do before, during, and after a blackout should be created to ensure safety, secure essential supplies, and reduce losses. The emergency plan ought to contain the following:

  • Information on how to reach friends, family, and emergency services
  • Emergency power source backup
  • Procedures for safety in the event of a blackout
  • Alternative methods of communication
  • a list of the things you should have on hand

Stock up on Essential Gear

Having the necessary equipment on hand can significantly impact your experience during a blackout. Stock up on emergency blankets, flashlights, batteries, a battery-operated radio, and flashlights. These supplies will ensure you can stay informed and safe during a blackout. Food and Water Supply

It’s critical to have enough food, water, medications, and personal care items on hand during a blackout to last at least 72 hours without power. Stock up on canned goods and other non-perishable foods, and make enough drinking water to meet your family’s needs.

Backup Power Sources

Backup power sources like generators, solar generators, or batteries can temporarily power important devices like refrigerators, medical equipment, lighting, etc. It may be helpful to charge electronic devices in advance. Make sure your backup power source has enough fuel stored.

Alternative Communication Options

Cell phone towers and landline phones might not work during a blackout. If you only have access to mobile service, think about using a landline phone as a backup method of communication. To stay informed, always have a battery-operated radio on hand.

Cash on Hand

If there is a protracted power outage and businesses cannot accept credit card payments, cash should be kept on hand. The power outage might also have an impact on banks and ATMs.


In conclusion, rolling blackouts can be a difficult experience for individuals and businesses. It is crucial to plan ahead and be prepared for such events to minimize the associated hazards and inconveniences. Developing an emergency plan, stocking up on essential gear, ensuring an adequate supply of food and water, having backup power sources, alternative communication options, and keeping cash on hand are key steps to prepare for rolling blackouts. Being prepared can help ensure safety, reduce losses, and make the blackout experience more manageable. By taking these steps, individuals and businesses can be ready for the unexpected and have peace of mind during a rolling blackout.



Chad is a creative problem solver and experienced strategist with a passion for bringing people together to do great things. He has worked in the technology, advertising, and non-profit sectors, and has a deep understanding of how to create meaningful connections between people and brands. In his spare time, he enjoys painting, playing the violin, and spending time with his family.

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