What Are the Levels of Packaging?

Packaging has always been a big part of production and manufacturing. Long ago, people use to pack their products in wooden crates for transportation.

The modern era has seen the evolving of different levels of packaging, different style, and the use of different materials. China packing machine has made the perfect technology for the job.

The modern era has opened the eyes of many manufacturers to the possibility of wonderful packaging that is beautifully designed to draw attention.

As the companies get easier to open, so do the packaging styles and designs that continue to get better and better.

With so much progress in the production and manufacturing industry, 3 levels of packaging have been established.

They are primary packaging, secondary packaging, and tertiary packaging. As you can see, they are not the same. So, what is the difference between them?

How can you distinguish between primary packaging, secondary packaging, and tertiary packaging?

If you don’t work in the packaging industry or have not had any contact with someone who does, you probably have no idea what makes them different except their names.

For those who work in packaging companies, it is more of a requirement to know considering it is your job or related to your job.

What Is the Difference?

One thing everyone should keep in mind is that each level of packaging is meant for different types of products.

Various levels of packaging are for different kinds of products, and a different set of customers. So even though they seem categorized together, they have different goals.

When packaging you want to focus on finding the right balance among the 3 levels. This is to make sure that you protect your goods. So, what are the levels of packaging for?

The Levels of Packaging

1· Primary Packaging

This is the level of packaging that deals directly with the product. In primary packaging, there is direct contact involved with the product. This is known as a customer unit.

The goal of primary packaging is to protect and preserve the product against contamination until its finishing state.

Primary packaging is the first layer of packaging that usually containing some finished product like plastics or cardboard boxes with cereal in them.

The intention is for the end-user to be attracted and to pass information from the manufacturer to the consumer. This packaging level also makes for easier handling.

2· Secondary Packaging

This is usually used to create a stock-keeping unit (SKU). This level of packaging helps to handle smaller packages better.

The packaging level can achieve this by putting them together into a pack. This protects the products and maintains the integrity of the primary packaging.

3· Tertiary Packaging

This level of packaging is commonly known as transit packaging. This is because it is used for bulk or large quantities of product and transportation.

With tertiary packaging, it is easier to transport products in heavy loads and it helps prevent damage. It makes handling, and storage easier too.


The levels of packaging may be different but they mostly work together since their goal is to provide consumers with a quality product without any hiccups.



Chad is a creative problem solver and experienced strategist with a passion for bringing people together to do great things. He has worked in the technology, advertising, and non-profit sectors, and has a deep understanding of how to create meaningful connections between people and brands. In his spare time, he enjoys painting, playing the violin, and spending time with his family.

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