How Ideas Turn to Top Tier Products- Prototyping

In the world today, there are giant companies that always have the best designs in the market. Think of the automobile industry, for example, different companies in the industry have car designs to offer. These designs generally just start as ideas in minds of people and end up being actualized as final products. Prototyping is the crucial stage that designers and manufacturers spend their time on, before producing the final products. For a high-quality final product, product design and prototyping go hand in hand. The product designer needs prototypes to determine the usability and feasibility of the products before producing them in large quantities. This process enables a product designer and a manufacturer to turn their ideas into the most highly ranked product in the industry.

Rapid Prototyping

As the name suggests, rapid prototyping is a prototyping service with a high-speed turnaround. To maintain a top-tier production, you need to develop prototypes at a faster rate. Constantly making adjustments to these prototypes improves the quality of the final product.

Rapid prototypes usually begin as a digital model, but producing hardware may range from 3D printing, CNC machining, rapid metal casting, and many more. You can make an application of a rapid prototype of any material that is well-matched with industrial hardware.

How to know the kind of prototype to apply for

As rapid prototyping is used by clients in different industries, it incorporates different materials and technology. Different kinds of prototypes are therefore produced. The following are some things you need to know when applying for a prototype;

If your objective is to prove a concept, maybe to your investors, the concept model prototyping is the one for you, this is a simple type of prototype that captures the basic idea of the product. If You are looking for opinions from the public regarding the appearance of the final product, the display prototyping service is what suits you.

If your objective is to determine the functionality of the final product, the functional prototyping service is what you should opt for. This type of prototype resembles the final product in every way- form, shape, and size. In some cases, people usually developed prototypes as finished products and give them to a small group of people as a sample, this is a pre-production prototype.

Reasons for rapid prototyping  

  • Rapid prototyping enables you to explore and learn concepts in a fast and low-cost manner.
  • It enables you to repeat designs and include changes that enable improvement and testing of the final product
  • It enables you to physically prove concepts precisely in an effective manner.
  • It minimizes errors in the final product hence increasing the level of success


For achieving quality manufacturing of final products, companies need to develop prototypes and improve them. Prototyping is the bridge between idea generation and the final production of products. Rapid prototyping enables you to get the prototypes at a fast turnaround time, enabling you to make adjustments promptly and move with mass production. There are several types of rapid prototyping. The one that suits your need will depend on the reason why you need the prototype in the first place.



Chad is a creative problem solver and experienced strategist with a passion for bringing people together to do great things. He has worked in the technology, advertising, and non-profit sectors, and has a deep understanding of how to create meaningful connections between people and brands. In his spare time, he enjoys painting, playing the violin, and spending time with his family.

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