Can You Make A Wood Pellet Yourself?

You are cheating yourself if you have a wood pellet maker at your disposal and you buy wood pellets. Of course, wood pellets are in high demand, so they are not very expensive to get, but with the right machine and tools it is an item you can make on your own. The pellet machine is not the only tool necessary to make the wood pellets. You need other items like a hammer mill, and dryers, amongst others. All of these tools make the process a lot more easier and professional. When you have these tools, you can follow the procedure we will discuss in this guide to make wood pellets.

Get all the raw materials

The raw materials are the most important process in making the wood pellets. First, your raw material needs to be as pure as possible. That way, some unwanted particles like stones and sand will not contaminate the product. Of course, the raw material for a wood pellet is wood. This wood can come as sawdust or some fragments of wood. Finding these raw materials in their purest forms is the main issue.

Reduce the sizes

If your raw material is sawdust, you have no business with this step. That is because the sizes are already uniform. However, if the raw material is wood, they can never come in the same sizes, and as such, you need to reduce the size. If you have a crusher, this is the best time to use it. However, if you do not have it, you can use a hammer mill. The only problem is the hammer mill is great when you have already small sizes and you want to make it a bit powdery. The hammer mill can give you a thickness of 0.2 inches per wood.

Ensure wood is dry

Apart from if you have sawdust, it is near impossible to have wood that does not have water content. The pelleting process for woods will require moisture, but water is not the content we need. Therefore, you need to dry the wood as much as you can. A good way to start is by using the dryer.

Add oil to the wood

Oil is the moisture that you will need within the wood to make a wood pellet. Not only will it add moisture to the wood, but it will also ensure that the wood sticks together. After adding the oil, all that remains is to use a pellet machine.


Wood pellets are like the oil of the pelleting industry, with a lot of attention around these items. They are available for sale commonly, but they require a lot of processes. The type of wood pellet you need will determine where you will want to buy it. It is usually better to use wood pellets that are in line with your purpose. For instance, if you want to use the wood pellet as a heating element, you will need to make it as one. We have explained the process of making the wood pellets by yourself. Note that for each of these processes, you require a lot of tools. Therefore, do not think of making these pellets without the right tools.



Chad is a creative problem solver and experienced strategist with a passion for bringing people together to do great things. He has worked in the technology, advertising, and non-profit sectors, and has a deep understanding of how to create meaningful connections between people and brands. In his spare time, he enjoys painting, playing the violin, and spending time with his family.

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